Our Current Sleep Lab
To conduct innovative research in psychosocial oncology and behavioral sleep medicine that strengthens the lab members’ research and professional skills and contributes to the field, individuals, and society in a meaningful way.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
PhD, Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary, AB
MSc, Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary, AB
BA, (Honours), Psychology, University of Calgary, AB
Dr. Sheila Garland is a Clinical Psychologist and Professor of Psychology and Oncology at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Dr. Garland conducts psycho-oncology and behavioural sleep medicine research with an increasing emphasis on examining the mechanisms and effectiveness of interventions to improve sleep and other symptoms in cancer survivors.
(2019 - Present)
I received my Bachelor of Science (honours) in Psychology from the University of Toronto, and subsequently completed my PhD in Neuroscience at McGill University (Douglas Hospital) and my post-doctoral training at Harvard Medical School (McLean Hospital). My research has centered on the regulation of cellular plasticity in depression, suicide, and following trauma, with a focus on the utility of neuroplasticity-associated genes as biomarkers of individual differences in trauma response and affective learning. I am currently enrolled in the PsyD program at MUN, during which time I will be working under the supervision of Dr. Sheila Garland and in collaboration with Young Adult Cancer Canada to investigate coping and trauma response in young adults with cancer.
(2019 - Present)
I received my Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology and Master of Science (Kinesiology) in Psychology of Sport, Exercise, and Recreation from Memorial University. My dissertation will be focused on investigating physical activity levels, circadian rhythm, and cognitive functioning in breast cancer patients in a longitudinal study.
(2022 - Present)
Katherine-Ann Piedalue is a Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) student under the supervision of Dr. Sheila Garland. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a minor in Religious Studies from the University of Calgary. Following her undergraduate studies, she worked as a Research Assistant in Psychosocial Oncology at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre, where she co-authored several published papers evaluating integrative oncology approaches. Katherine-Ann’s dissertation focuses on examining the feasibility and acceptability of the iCANSleep App, which is designed to address insomnia in cancer survivors
(2024 - Present)
I received my Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology from Memorial University in 2021 and my Master’s degree in Experimental Psychology (Health and Wellness) from Memorial in 2023. Under the supervision of Dr. Garland, my Master's thesis focused on Canadian cancer survivors’ use of cannabis as a sleep aid. I am the Research Coordinator in the Sleep, Health, & Wellness lab for the 2023-24 academic year. I am so excited to begin this part of my journey to becoming a Clinical Psychologist. In my future career, I hope to focus on the areas of sleep and women's health.
(2024 - Present)
I received my Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Psychology and Master’s in Experimental Psychology (Health and Wellness) from Memorial University (MUN). While completing my MSc in Psychology, I began working as a Research Assistant at the Primary Healthcare Research Unit and subsequently pursued a Master’s in Clinical Epidemiology at MUN. Currently, I am finishing up my MSc in Clinical Epidemiology before I begin MUN’s PsyD program in the Fall under the supervision of Dr. Sheila Garland.
I received my Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Psychology from Memorial University of Newfoundland, Grenfell Campus in 2022 with a thesis focused on fear of death. I am currently completing a Master’s in Experimental Psychology with a concentration in Health and Wellness under the supervision of Dr. Sheila Garland, and plan to continue working with fear of death and death anxiety in adults. Following my Master’s, I plan to pursue doctoral studies in Clinical Psychology.
After completing a BBA, I shifted to Psychology and received my Bachelor of Science (Honours) from Memorial University of Newfoundland, Grenfell Campus in 2022. I am currently completing a Master's in Experimental Psychology under the supervision of Dr. Sheila Garland. My thesis will be focused on cognitive factors of insomnia in cancer patients. After completing my Master's, I intend to pursue doctoral studies in Clinical Psychology.
I completed my Bachelors of Science (Honors) with a psychology major at Memorial University of Newfoundland in 2024. Under the supervision of Dr.Sheila Garland, I am working on completing a Masters in Experimental Psychology. After completion of my Masters, I hope to pursue a doctoral degree in clinical psychology.
(Honours, 2024-Present)
I am completing my Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Psychology and this will be my second year volunteering in the Sleep, Health and Wellness Lab. I am completing my honours thesis under the supervision of Dr. Garland and Emily White. I volunteer in the Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer centre in my free time and cancer research is something of much interest to me. My future goals are to pursue doctoral studies as either a Doctor of Medicine or a Clinical Psychologist focusing on cancer research. I am really looking forward to gaining research experience in the Sleep, Health and Wellness Lab and to be focusing on a project that is so important to our knowledge of healthcare.
(Honours, 2024-Present)
I am completing my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, and this is my first year volunteering in the Sleep, Health, and Wellness Lab. I will complete my honours thesis under the supervision of Dr. Garland and Chloe House in 2024–25. My future goals are to pursue my Masters and become a counsellor. I look forward to gaining research experience in the Sleep, Health, and Wellness Lab and being a part of a lab that focuses on healthcare.
I received my Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology from Memorial University in 2022 and completed my Master’s degree in Experimental Psychology (Health and Wellness) in August 2024. Under the supervision of Dr. Garland, my Master's thesis focused on the impact of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia on cancer-related fatigue. My future goals are to pursue doctoral studies in Clinical Psychology and to work in the area of health psychology. I am excited to continue to be a part of the Sleep, Health, and Wellness Lab as the Research Coordinator for the 2024-25 year!
I am completing my Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Behavioural Neuroscience and began volunteering in the Sleep, Health and Wellness Lab during Winter 2024. I am completing my honours thesis under the supervision of Dr. Blundell. My future goals are to pursue a Doctor of Medicine and practice here in my home province of Newfoundland. I look forward to gaining research experience in the Sleep, Health and Wellness Lab and truly enjoy being part of a lab that is focused on healthcare and actively making a positive impact in the community.
I received my Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Psychology in 2023 and am currently pursuing a Masters of Science in Experimental Psychology (Health and Wellness stream). My current research focuses on disordered eating and its correlates. I started working in the Sleep, Health, and Wellness Lab to gain additional research experience in an area of psychology that interested me and was different from my Masters research.
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