**This study is closed to recruitment**
Almost one third of cancer survivors experience chronic insomnia, a condition that is associated with fatigue, cognitive difficulties, mood disturbance, impaired functioning, and decreased quality of life. Despite the prevalence and seriousness of insomnia in cancer survivors, the problem is underdiagnosed and poorly treated primarily due to the lack of available evidence-based interventions at cancer centers across Canada.
To address this issue, Memorial University is joining the University of Ottawa to evaluate the effectiveness of an online treatment program for insomnia using two different programs. We are also looking to see if there are any potential short-term changes in things such as mood and sleep while participating in the online program. We will ask cancer survivors who have completed active treatment, and who have insomnia, to participate.
(Coming soon)
Primary Investigator at Memorial University:
Sheila N. Garland, PhD
(Department of Psychology, Faculty of Science and Division of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine)
Primary Investigator at the University of Ottawa:
Dr. Cheryl Harris, PhD
( Clinical, Health, & Rehabilitation Psychologist, Psychosocial Oncology Program, Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre)
Supported by a grant from the Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute
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